Saturday, June 28, 2008

¡Hola! everyone! so yeah things were crazy, then great. First when we landed in cuzco i thought oh the air is not that bad....HAHAHAHA until i started moving!!! then i could not does george lopez say it...i have a pain in my chess and i cant breff...hahaha.

the adventure at the airport was quite fun...we were somewhat forgot...hahaha...but all is well, the owners daughter who lives in cuzco came down to take us the sunflower. I have funny video of morgan running around the airport trying to get warm. it is very very cold. the drive to the sunflower was amazing. i have never seen anything like it. our taxi driver pulled over so we can take a picture of the urabamba river friçom up high.

We arrvive at the sunflower and let me tell you. Muy Bonita....very beautiful. We met nicki along the way to the sunflower, nicki is another intern here who leaves on july 30th. We arrived just in time to take a quick nap and pick up the kids from school. The walk to pick up the kids is about .5 (I cant find the slash thing on this computer) miles down the hill from the sunflower. The walk back up the hill might not have been the best idea on our first day in cuzco.....WOW!! my chest felt so weird. I told my self next time i will take quick breaks so i can catch my breath until breathing becomes a little easier. After the kids cam home from school, they had lunch. Which is soup and some sort of rice or pasta. I had the soup and went to bed. the altitude had gotten to me (i know not very good english) so morgan and I took another nap, and basically did not get up again until dinner. I did not go to dinner rather I stayed in for the rest of the night.

Today: Today, i really got the chance to meet the kids. I know you are not supposed to pick favs but I cant help myself. they are sooooo freaking cute and loveable. They are amazed at how tall I am....they keep running up to me and marking where they land on my stomach. Its very funny. After breakfast we walked down to the river to wash clothes....which took about four hours. it was a moment I will never forget. by the way there is wild bull here. hahaha. your walking down the street and there is a bull taking a nap. you just walk around. yeah...

after clothes were hung, the kids ate lunch. I really love these kids. Morgan and I met with Leo who is in charge of the place to go over what he would like us to work on over the next month. on the way down the hill to make this post I was standing in the street when I hear MOOOO MOOO BERR MOO i look and see like 7 bulls running....really not far from me... I say MORGAN!!! and try to run to her thinking....hmmm running not a good idea...but i wanted to get behind the was very funny, after the fact.

Thats all I have for now. I am very sleepy, my mind wants to sleep...hahaha.

Talk to all soon
Miss you lvoe you!


George said...

I am laughing and welling up at the same time. Give it 3 days and you will be ready to breff. I am sooo happy you are safe.

Don't stop posting, I want to read everything!


Stay away from the bulls!!! LOL

Raicheal Fulle said...

The bulls sound AWESOME.

I can't imagine how your heart must be overflowing for those kids. God's gonna do awesome things!

Love you!

Jazz said...

No olvide de descansar cuando usted lo necesita. Los niños se vean su belleza interior así como su belleza externa. Como haga yo.
Besitos y abrazos,