Saturday, July 28, 2007

This is the morning of my last day in Africa, I leave tonight at 9:00pm. I am cherishing every last moment I can, enjoying the smells, my bed, the people I am really going to miss it here. I am doing much better this morning than I was last night. I feel that I was able to let go last night and today I am just trying to hold on to any new memory I can create for myself.
I have had my highest highs and lowest lows (mountains and valleys). I am leaving a part of myself here and bring back something new. I look forward to sharing my pictures and stories with you all. Thank you for all your comments, e-mails and support you have helped me through some tough times. Africa is truly a special place, and I look forward to the day I can come back.

Love me

next time I write I will be in Amsterdam.


George said...

We are counting down the days until you come home! Stay safe and not too much "fun" in Amsterdam k?

Jazz said...

Have a brownie for me! Just kidding! I wish you some reflection time in Europe as you get to have another adventure. Be at peace with the work you have done and know that we are so proud of this beautiful woman coming home to us. Love you!!